Midagi Hingele

The End is the Beginning
International Rights

The End is the Beginning Tiit Trofimov, Jaana Maling

The Journey to Your True Self

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This book is an excellent description of the journey of human development, based on the author’s personal experiences. It’s easy to theorize that true growth begins when you’ve lost everything that you’ve built over your lifetime, but it’s a whole other thing to actually experience it and live to tell the story. Tiit Trofimov has done that with disarming honesty and humor, giving us an uncensored account of one man’s winding path to living as his true self.
This type of developmental transformation usually begins after age 35, if at all. Many people don’t dare to step on the deeper path, opting instead to attempt to rebuild some semblance of their former life. If you choose to begin the inner journey, you’ll soon discover that nothing remains the same. Your world becomes multidimensional, your previous patterns more transparent and your being more authentic. You’ll begin to accept the world and yourself as you truly are and your actions are no longer driven by the narrow material needs of your ego. Your existence takes on a deeper meaning. This is the beginning of a whole new life.
The End is the Beginning shows us that midlife transformation is not only possible, but essential – as crucial a threshold of life as coming of age.
Thank you, Tiit, for sharing your journey!

– Alar Tamming
Transpersonal Psychologist &
Vice President of Estonian Transpersonal Association

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